Forgotten Ground Regained
The Anglo-Saxon, Viking, and Celtic Worlds
This page showcases poems on this site inspired by the Poetic Edda or, more generally, by the ancient Pagan world from which the Anglo-Saxons, Vikings and Celts emerged. For more poems on this theme, consult the following pages: Longer Works, Collections, Translations, Old English, Beowulf, Oher Languages, SF Authors and Fans (scroll down, or search on the page for 'Viking' or 'Anglo-Saxon'), The Riddle Tour, and Pagans.
- A Lay of St. Boniface
- An Anglo-Saxon Riddle
- A Riddle
- A Trinity Riddle
- At Ethandun
- At the Place of the Hoary Apple Tree
- Aurgellmir
- Battle of the Bards
- Beowulf (multiple excerpts)
- Blodmonath
- Caedmon Remembers
- Cain's Kin (Grendel Alone)
- Catching Loopy
- Creation
- Cuthbert's Way
- Deor (translation)
- Dragon-Fighter
- Epitaph to the Sussex King before Æthelwalch
- Farewell
- From Place to Place
- Gleipnir: To Bind the Wolf
- Giants’ Work
- Hengest Wants War-Companions
- Hervör
- Huscarl
- Ingelrii’s Maþþumsweord
- Hoder's Song
- Icy Yule
- Journey to the West
- Lady of Cats
- Lords of Battle
- Extract from ‘Malfosse’
- Leaf
- Mnemonic for the Futharc
- Modern Historian’s Riddle
- Mother's Song
- Octdober 14th
- Over the Sea
- Place of Slaughter
- Quest for Valhalla
- Rædwald’s Return
- Sweord
- Sword-Maiden's Song
- The Battlefield
- The Coming Winter
- The Lay of Thrym (translation)
- The Runes of Weland's Sword
- The Eightfold Year
- The Exiles' Song
- The Lay of the Sea-Wife
- The Sais and Taliesin
- The Scop of Streoneshall
- The Seafarer (translation)
- The Swan's Song (translation)
- The Talisman
- The Translator, Working Late
- The Wanderer
- The Westfarer
- The Yule Tree
- Toys
- Ulfhildr (audio: Part I, Part II, and Part III)
- Volund's Revenge
- Warriors
- Wayland's Revenge
- Excerpt from Wuffingatæl