Forgotten Ground Regained
The Scop of Streoneshall
Originally published In Withowinde 103, p. 9, Summer, 1995
The stones of Streoneshall ‧ stand in memoryOn shores that sing ‧ of a scop long ago.Born unlearned ‧ and barren in song,Caedmon they called him ‧ that cared for the herds.Living at Streonesall ‧ in latent silenceUntil the muse moved him ‧ in a moment of dreams.The skill of singing ‧ he scarcely knewAnd passed over playing ‧ at parties of mirth.Lacking those skills ‧ he would leave the partyRising in haste ‧ and returning home.On such an occasion ‧ out to the stablesHe went, as his charge ‧ was the horses that night,And soon he slept. Then someone appearedDeep in his dreams, drawing ever near,And calling his name. “Caedmon, sing me something.”But he said to the man, “to sing, I cannot.That is why I left ‧ the entertainmentAnd came here alone, for I could not sing.”But he who spoke herein ‧ answered still,“Nevertheless, now you shall sing.”“What song shall I sing?” said Caedmon then.“Sing of creation,” said the other one.So Caedmon sang ‧ a song praising GodIn verse he had never ‧ heard sung before.“Now come and praise ‧ heaven kingdom’s guardianThe creator’s mght, his conception and Works, glorious father ‧ as each wonder, he,The eternal Lord, established from the start.He first created ‧ for the chldren of the earthThe heavens as a roof, holy creator.Then middle-earth, mankind’s guardian,The Eternal Lord, established afterFor the men of Earth, almighty God.”
This song is the start ‧ of his sacred charge,and how Caedmon came ‧ to be called the first,to sing as scop ‧ the songs of creation,giving God praise ‧ with his gracious song.
This song is the start ‧ of his sacred charge,and how Caedmon came ‧ to be called the first,to sing as scop ‧ the songs of creation,giving God praise ‧ with his gracious song.
Copyright © Larry A. Hood, 1995
Reprinted with the permission of his family
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