Forgotten Ground Regained
Downstairs, Upstairs
(Or the Writer Unblocked)
Each step down and your drought will ease.It’s tread by tread to tap what is lower,grabbing your glass as the cravings increase.If you’re drained and blocked above in your bower,give way to the wanton, wordless plungestraight to your font, flowing like springs.Now drink in these drafts! It’s drought you expungeby the spout of the sink; your thirst for these thingspours out a portion. Replenish your glass,it’s time to ascend the same set of stairswhile paying each riser a ransom to pass.Carefully climb, carrying prayers;look above and not back, or certainly slipfrom grace with the glass, forgetting the script.
Copyright © Ted Charnley, 2023
First Published in Forgotten Ground Regained: A Journal of Alliterative Verse, New Series, Issue 1, Winter, 2024
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