Forgotten Ground Regained
Awake, Awake, and Work Your Wonders (Isaiah 51:9-16)
Rise up, rise up, O arm of the Lord!Bestir your strength to stand against our foes.Awake, awake, and work your wonders,as in the days of old, the ancient times.Are you not the one who wielded the weaponthat hacked apart that hateful Rahab,that slashed and slew that sea serpent?
And You dried up the depths of the sea,making a way through the waving waters,a dry pathway for the redeemed to cross.So the ransomed of the Lord shall laud their rescueras they return to Zion, zealously singing.They shall gain unending gladness and joy;sorrow and mourning shall melt away.
“I am He who comforts you, cares for you and saves you.Who are you to be dismayed by mortal men,by the sons of men who are sapped like grass?And you forget the Lord, your loving Maker,who stretched out the airy heavensand founded the earth firmly for your good.And you always fear the oppressor’s fury—he wills destruction, but where is his wrath?The captive who crouches shall quickly be freed;he shall not die in the deep dungeon;his bread shall not fail to fill his belly.I am the Lord your God, the Great and Good,who rules the waves while they roar in vain—I am the Lord of hosts, your holy God.
“I have given you My wisdom, My words into your mouth,and have hidden you in the shadow of My holy hand—I who stretched out the airy heavensand founded the earth firmly for your good,and who say to Zion, ‘See, you are My people.’”
Copyright © 2023 Kathryn Ann Hill.
Isaiah 51:9-16 is read on the 24th Sunday after Trinity.
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