Forgotten Ground Regained
You Have Graced the Heavens (After Psalm 8)
I wrote this poem as part of a sequence of alliterative takes on some of the individual Psalms (Psalms 1-8) that I wrote between 1997 and 2000.
O Lord, our Lord, Your majesty has made
Your Name renowned in all the earth!
You have graced the heavens with glory on high,
And the lips of the little ones are opened in praise,
Against all Your enemies,
To sing them to shame.
When I think that Your fingers fashioned the heavens,
And set the sun, moon and stars in the sky,
What is man that You mind him, mankind that You care?
Yet You set his seat with the angels in awe,
Graced his head with heaven's glory,
Raised him to rule Your world's bright wonders,
The beasts that walk,
The birds that fly,
The fish that swim the sea.
O Lord, our Lord, Your majesty has made
Your name renowned in all the earth.
Your deeds proclaim Your power,
Your Name declares Your worth.
Copyright © Paul D Deane, 1999
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