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Contributor: Stacey Harris
Stacey Harris (known as Shoshanah bas Nachman in the Society for Creative Anachronism) is a professor of mathematics (research in general relativity and, recently, gender theory), who has been enamored with the Anglo-Saxon tradition since reading Tolkien decades ago. This was enhanced by her early years in the Society for Creative Anachronism, particularly in An Tir (Pacific Northwest) in the 80s; and she has focused her study more intently in Anglo-Saxon and 14-Century traditions in her latter years in the SCA in Calontir (Midwest). Her source material has been general life in lands subject to warfare in the greater Anglo-Saxon sphere (fitting the Calontiri aesthetic).
Her alliterative verse on this site includes The Beggar King, aTalmudic tale, grown in local story-telling (fitting Shoshanh's background of 14th-century Jewish matriarch from Mainz).
Non-poetic, non-professional interests include heraldry and song-composing in the SCA (including in Japanese mode, as Hōjō Sukeko); and in the mundane world, flute, singing, and hiking in mountains and other places.
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