Forgotten Ground Regained
Originally published In Withowinde 198, p.25, Winter, 1997
Wrapped in the ræd ‧ of a runwitan spell,
heahfyr hardened ‧ with hammer and skill.
Forged under elfenfeld ‧ fires of moonlight;
born on the breath ‧ of Blotmonathes nght.
Made from the middangeardes ‧ mightiest ores,
worn on the waist ‧ of a wælgrim warrior.
Never bested ‧ by man or nithdracra,
ever yearning ‧ for vanished ealddagas.
Bord and byrnie ‧ burst at the clash
of seax and sword ‧ in sagas long past.
Where now is Hrunting? War-hardened blade,
And neither is Nægling ‧ known in these days.
Only one sword ‧ from Angle remains;
Long has it lasted ‧ replacing lost days.
The song of the seeker ‧ and saintly breed;
the two-edged sword ‧ of the saintly Bede.
Definitions for the Old English words
- ræd: counsel, course of action that results from deliberation, plan, a resolution taken after deliberation, ordinance, decree
- runwitan: one acquainted with mysteries, a sage
- elfenfeld: elf country
- Blotmonathes: "Blood Month" (November, when stock as slaughtered for the winter)
- middangeardes: middle earth the world)
- wælgrim: bloodthirsty, cruel
- nithdracra: A hostile, malicious dragon
- ealddagas: elder days
- bord: shield
- seax: sax (long dagger)
- Nægling: the name of Beowulf's sword
Copyright © Larry A. Hood, 1997
Answer: time