Forgotten Ground Regained
Spiral Staircase of the Old Hotel
It breathes, this staircase, when a breeze rufflesits latticework. It spins lightheaded
from terrace to terrace, not tenable for walking on,but displayed for the · sheer spectacle
it creates, for the roving eye · it entices upwardswith all its interlacing steps. There are ages
of history written · into its wrought iron --its smelting in some · smoky Victorian forge,
its polishing by perfumed hands · and the sweaty palmsof over-eager lodgers, odours of scandal reeking
like whiskey from its dust, the fall to the deathof one fine lady descending · in haste to her lover,
who dared with glamorous intent · to glide uponits shivering bones when a breeze · called from below.
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