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His arms primed
Cassidy McFadzean
This long-necked ‧ lackey lurksat the forest’s edge, feints at trees’ feet.Statue-still, he skulks in silence,his arms primed ‧ for approaching steps.His master’s rule ‧ reaches far throughoutthis creature’s veins, the core of his threads,infecting his hand ‧ with fated deeds.His bloodlust beckons, browbeats, pulls.For when innocent souls ‧ pass acrosshis road, this fiend ‧ wraps his armsfirmly around ‧ frightened throats,tightens his clasp ‧ as creatures shriek.He steals his victims’ ‧ voices, reaps.Who is this creature? Say what I mean.
Copyright © Cassidy McFadzean, 2012
First published in RiddleHoard
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Answer:A snare