Forgotten Ground Regained
ISSN 2996-6353
New Series Issue 5, Winter, 2025
Publications Noted
Articles and Reviews
- Anonymous, review of The Greenwood Poet, on the Thought is Free blog.
- Jenny A., Bea Wolf review, Righter of Words
- Anonymous, Bea Wolf: Wonderfully Weird. Kirkus Reviews.
- Tony Asankomah, Movie Review: ‘Freydís and Gudrid’ – Music and Reckoning Through the Vinland Sagas, GhMovieFreak.
- Graphic Novel Riffs on Literary Classics (Review of Bea Wolf], New York Times
- Betsy Bird, Review of Bea Wolf by Zach Weinersmith, ill. Boulet, Fuse 8 Productions
- David Bratman, review of The Collected Poems of J.R.R. Tolkien. The Tolkien Society.
- Martin Breul, A review of Ulfhildr by Mary Thaler. Montreal Review of Books.
- “Crazy Cat Writer”, review of The Greenwood Poet, on The Reading Bud blog.
- David Canham, Bea Wolf is a fun reimagining of the ancient epic, AIPT Comics
- Martin Carr, Freydis and Gudrid Is an Operatic Tour de Force ... on
- Sarah Clark, Turn and Turn Again: The Art of Reading Narrative Poetry, in Fare Forward, 30 [reviews Poochigian’s Either/Or books].
- Chris Cole, review of Bea Wolf, Multiversity Comics
- Marithé Collard, An Adaptation Through Culture and Time: How Tolkien’s Prose Translation of Beowulf Balances Antique Quality and Modern Accessibility, in Disruptive Entanglements 2(1),
- Sherwin Phillip Cooper, Words of Delight: The Poetry of J.R.R. Tolkien. In The European Conservative.
- Christian Criticos, The Poetic Origins of Middle Earth. Los Angeles Review of Books
- Beth Daley, First publication of J.R.R. Tolkien’s collected poems offers new insights into the Lord of the Rings author’s personality, in The Conversation.
- Paul D. Deane, Review: Speculative Poetry and the Modern Alliterative Revival: A Critical Anthology, Amon Hen 308, 20-21
- Paul D. Deane, Review: Speculative Poetry and the Modern Alliterative Revival: A Critical Anthology, Wiðowinde 210, 210-211.
- Amanda Drake, Review: The Collected Poems of J.R.R. Tolkien. Amon Hen, 310 (Dec. 2024), p. 22.
- Yvonne Ellis, review of The Greenwood Poet, on
- Thomas Ernst, Freydís and Gudrid: An Original Viking Opera Hits High Notes in Drama and Romance, Original Cin John Garth, Full of sound and Faërie, in the Times Literary Supplement. .
- Michael Helsem, 'Rum, ram, ruf' Riders: A Review of Speculative Poetry and the Modern Alliterative Revival. Studies in the Fantastic, 17.
- John R. Holmes, review of The Collected Poems of J.R.R. Tolkien, in The Journal of Tolkien Studies.
- Sarah Hunter, review of Bea Wolf by Zach Weinersmith, Book List.
- Sue Jackson, Middle-Grade Review: Bea Wolf, Book by Book Blog
- Herb Kauderer, Review of Speculative Poetry and the Modern Alliterative Revival: A Critical Anthology, Star*Line 47.2, 21-22.
- Daniel M. Kimmel, May the Norse Be With You: A Review of Freydis and Gudrid, North Shore Movies.
- Thomas Maluk, review of Bea Wolf. School Library Journal.
- Nasser Nahandian, Freydís and Gudrid Review: A Musical Saga Worth Singing, Gazettely.
- Alan Ng, Review of Freydis and Gudrid, Screen Threat.
- Holly Ordway, A First Look at The Collected Poems of J.R.R. Tolkien on
- Jennifer Ouelette, Listen up! Bea Wolf is a brilliant retelling of a classic Old English saga—for kids, Ars Technica
- Eleanor Parker, “Between Gods and Monsters”: Tolkien’s Sigurd & Gudrun, in Illuminations of the Fantastic, 2021
- Richard Propes, Movie Review: Freydis and Gudrid, The Independent Critic.
- Publisher’s Weekly, Bea Wolf
- Daniel Rabuzzi, review of Speculative Poetry and the Modern Alliterative Revival: A Critical Anthology, in Strange Horizons.
- Don Rigs, Medieval Reemergence: Review of Speculative Poetry and the Modern Alliterative Revival, in Ancillary Review of Books.
- Adam Roberts, Review of Christina Scull and Wayne G Hammond (eds) The Collected Poems of J.R.R. Tolkien (HarperCollins 2024)
- Jaylan Salah, Movie Review: ‘Freydis and Gudrid’ Explores the Soul Musically, In Session Film
- Török Sándor, review of The Greenwood Poet, on
- Jane Clark Scharl, Turning Home: A Review of Aaron Poochigian’s Mr. Either/Or books, in Literary Matters.
- Anna Smol, It’s here! The Collected Poems of J.R.R. Tolkien: First Impressions
- Anna Smol, Tolkien the Playwright: Manuscript Revisions and Faërian Dramas in “The Homecoming of Beorhtnoth”
- Anna Smol, Tolkien, “The Battle of Maldon,” and “The Homecoming of Beorhtnoth”: Poetic Allusions and the Experience of Time
- April Spisak, Bea Wolf by Zach Weinersmith (review)
- The Tolkien Collector’s Guide review of The Collected Poems of J.R.R. Tolkien edited by Christina Scull and Wayne Hammond
- Derek Turner, Alliteration Once and Always (Review of Speculative Poetry and the Modern Alliterative Revival – A Critical Anthology). Also: Foregrounding front-rhyming (Review of Speculative Poetry and the Modern Alliterative Revival – A Critical Anthology), in Quadrant.
- Jo Walton, Jo Walton’s Reading List: May 2024, in Reactor. Brief, strongly positive review of Mary Thaler’s Ulfhildr.
- Holly Lyn Wolfrath, review of Adam Bolivar’s Wheel of Ravens in blog post, The Best Speculative Poetry is Intersectional.
Links to Alliterative Verse in Blogs & Social Media
Per Ahlberg
Judd Bemmels (More Tales of the Forest)
- Alder
- American Chestnut
- American Sycamore
- Apple
- Arbutus
- Ash and Elm
- Bald Cypress
- Black Cottonwood
- Black Oak
- Black Walnut
- Cherry
- Christmas Tree
- Colorado Blue Spruce
- Douglas Fir
- Eastern Redbud
- Eastern White Pine
- Fiddle-Leaf Fig
- Frankincense
- Ginkgo
- Great Basin Bristlecone Pine
- Hickory
- Honey Locust
- Jack Pine
- Laurel
- Lebanon Cedar
- Linden
- London Planetree
- Mediterranean Cypress
- Myrrh
- Northern Catalpa
- Norfolk Island Pine
- Norway Maple
- Nutmeg
- Olive
- Paper Birch
- Pawpaw
- Pine
- Ponderosa Pine
- Red Oak
- Red Pine
- Rowan
- Sacred Fig
- Saucer Magnolia
- Scots Pine
- Silver Birch
- Sitka Spruce
- Southern Live Oak
- Strangler Fig
- Sugar Maple
- Sugi
- Trembling Aspen
- Western Redcedar
- White Oak
- White Spruce
- White Willow
- Witch-Hazel
- Yew
Judd Bemmels (Heathen Poems)
- Barri’s Pines
- Blue Gold
- Falcon-Loki to Iðun
- First Mother
- For Njördr
- Freyr Votive
- Ingvi is Merriest
- Names of Freyr
- Scarecrow
- The Offering
- Skaði and Njördr (parts I, II, III, IV)
- Thor Votive
- Two Ravens Roost (alliterative quatrains)
Marie Cadavieco
Chris Economou
Timothy Hamilton
Jack Hart
- Alliterative epic poem based on The Skilled Huntsman by the Brothers Grimm (Part 1: In Second Thoughts; Part 2: Meets & Flights; Part 3: Deals in the Dark)
- Galilean: A Dream Poem
- Prologue
- To Deor
Jonathan Hawthorne
Laura Kerr
Will Knight
Jack Laurel
Shena Lewington
- Scots poems in alliterative verse (30 poems in addition to the two in this issue)
Jimmy Mimpson
Jessica Monahan
G.T.A. Ogle
N. Praml
David Preston
Sue Stone
Abu Talha
Marian L. Thorpe
Eirik Westcoat
Poem and Book Links Added
- Self Portrait as Water Cycle Bereaving in Moist Poetry Journal (alliterative free verse)
- The Lay of Beoric, on
- Bourbon Neat (alliterative quatrains) in Love like a Conflagration
- Lament for the Fathers in Heroic Fantasy Quarterly
- Beggar King, on
- fragments of alliterative verse in Steerswoman series.
- How Brashly Brave, in Light Poetry Magazine.
- alliterative verse and alliterative metrical poems in The Season of the Plough (“Your welkin is woven” and “The girls have all gathered” and Season of the Cerulyn (Cat, your kindly kisses and “The fighting moons”)
- Mitch’s Choice, on
- No Snakes in Iceland, a historical novel with dozens of short alliterative poems in Skaldic meters
- “Caregiver” in The Marble Bed
Prayer, on
J.R.R. Tolkien
- Alliterative verse in his Collected Poems:
- Narquelion, #41
- The Motor-Cyclists, #63
- As Light as Leaf on Linden-tree, #64
- The Lay of the Fall of Gondolin, lines 157-168, #66
- The Children of Hurin/Winter Comes to Nargothrond, #67
- The Nameless
- Land/The Song of Aelfwine, #74 The Song of Beewolf Son of Echgethew (Beowulf partial translation), #88
- The Derelicts, #119
- Black Heave the Billows, #133
- Doworst, #139
- King Sheave, #146
- The Oath of the Sons of Feanor, #176
- To the University of Oxford, #183
- For W.H.A, #195 (English version published in Shenandoah: The Washington and Lee University Review Vol. 18 No. 2. pp. 96-97.
Links to Online Performances and Translations
Helen Barr
Tessa Carman and J.C. Scharl
Eric Carrasco
- skaldic verse in Twilight of the Gods
Judith Jesch
- Translation from Krákumal (partial video performance). In Thomas Clancy, ed., The Triumph Tree, Canongate Classics, 1998
Jack Laurel
- Gudrid and Freydis: Libretto and Full Opera
Clare Mulley
Poems Posted under Pseudonyms on Blogs and Social Media
- “A fleeting duck flittered …” by Anne Onymous
- “A saccharine meeting …” by Aquila!
- Aegnor and Andreth by Briony L. on
- Moments of Mourning by Cheeky Parrot of the Night
- “wild green was that world gone …” and “Humor me, Muse ..” by Gwytaglow
- Old English Riddle 1 by leionai
- Old English Riddle 2 by leionai
- Old English Riddle 3 by leionai
- Hrothgar and Hryllingur by Lord Sorley of Gundarstorp
- The Joy-Hoard by morienmacbain
- First Rain by
- “Water flowing …” by pranicroom
- Feathersong the Mighty by Runekaster
- From This Hunting Lodge Rode Sir John of Gaunt by randomerbobsxyz
- Downbound Train Beowulf by randomerbobsxyz
- Regarding Circles, Eddaic Stanza, and Winter Scene by Scriblerus-tertius
- “In days long dead among distant stars …“by sirtintram
- Pennsic alliterative poem by skaldedith
- “The fight is on …” by stillstunned
- Forever Forgotten by tetheredsanity
- “The flowing garb …” by variouswrites
- Gypsy Girl by verseandevenworse
- The Exile’s Song by verseandevenworse
- Dragon of the Dark Forest by whiterosebrian
- Eight Chants to Reach Yggdrasil by whiterosebrian
- Gathering in a Sacred Grove by whiterosebrian
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