Forgotten Ground Regained
ISSN 2996-6353
New Series Issue 2, Winter, 2024
Publications Noted
Reprints and Translations Published
- Like A Tree Standing Tall (After Psalm 1)
- How Many, How Many? (After Psalm 3)
- Where Echoes Call and Crash (After Psalm 4)
- O Lord, I Call (After Psalm 5)
- Silence is Not Safety (After Psalm 7)
- You Have Graced the Heavens (After Psalm 8)
- Fore(dis)closure and Sweet from Sap Semantics
Book Links Added
- What He Did in Solitary (contains two poems in half-lines: “Bloodline” and “Solitary”)
- A Scattering of Salts (contains the alliterative poem “Rescue”)
Links Added to Other Works
Nancy Gaffield
- Wealden [half-lines without structural alliteration]
- Bloodline from What He Did in Solitary
- Chillicothe from What He Did in Solitary
- “Leo Kapatinsky’s First Tale” in The Brubury Tales
Aaron Poochigian
- The Poet's Cottage in Florilegium
- Pilotless Angel in How the Songs Come Down.
- "The Lay of the Eastern King" in Clash of the Geeks
• Six alliterative poems in Making Waves
- Aeneid, Book III
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